Friday, January 8, 2010

My first post in Her honor

Goddess Helena is a professional Domina in Los Angeles and in my fantasies She has become my Beautiful Big Sister.

She is indeed beautiful...and intelligent, wicked, strong-willed, perverted, creative, full-figured, dominant, buxom, shapely, dark-haired, fun, open-minded, experienced, powerful, hirsute, sadistic, shapely, curvaceous, independent, genuine, big-bottomed, full-lipped, gorgeous, authoritative, manipulative, erotic, sweet, invasive, caring, probing, giving, generous, cruel and loving. all at once.

Her influence over me in such a short amount of time and over such a distance has become so powerful that She has easily manipulated me into keeping a blog as both a tribute and honor to Her beauty. i am all too happy to comply and to give my absolute best effort in honoring Her this way.

my blog in tribute to Her will be written in a very specific manner. i will write as Her pathetic little sissy brother who has been completely infatuated with Her since boyhood. Beautiful Big Sister Helena is 100% aware of and amused by Her little brother's perverted and incestuous feelings, and She uses this knowledge to fully control me and use me to fulfill Her whims. She certainly loves me, but She'll never love me the way She would a real Man.

first and foremost, She has made it a point to keep me in panties since i was perhaps 8 or 9, i don't recall exactly when, but i will never forget that day after school, third grade i think, when She held Her worn panties open for me to step into. i have been Her pathetic little sissy of a brother since.

now i'm 34, and while i do not live with Her, i do keep house for Her, toiling away to keep Her place neat and tidy and clean. i hand-wash Her worn panties and all of Her delicates with the greatest of care, item by item, one at a time, giving each individual article of Her undergarments the care and devotion they deserve.

She keeps me in chastity and milks me in a no-nonsense and clinical manner on a weekly basis, purely for health-related reasons. on occasion, if it fancies Her, She will allow me to masturbate or otherwise ejaculate for Her in a very humbling, embarrassing and pathetic sissy-like manner.

all my life i have been under Her influence, and She has always made it a point to discourage me from dating or having any serious relationship. as a result of this, i am a rather inexperienced boy, and a virgin to boot, in that i have never had penile/vaginal intercourse with a Woman.

you will learn more about my relationship with Goddess Helena, my Beautiful Big Sister, as time progresses and i add to my blog.

while i will indulge in fantasy, both the past (childhood incidents and life-forming events under my Sister's control) and the present (my continued fascination with and service to everything that is Beautiful Big Sister Helena), above all else, this will be a tribute to Her and Her power over me.

until the next time, praised be Goddess Helena, my Beautiful Big Sister.

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